Labrador Retriever Guarantee :
The Seller offers this puppy WITHOUT breeding rights, with a CKC Limited
Registration. The Purchaser agrees to have this puppy spayed or neutered no earlier
than 1 year of age and by the age of 2 for males, 8 months for females. Early
spay/neuter will void this guarantee. A veterinarian certificate must be forwarded to the
Seller within one week of completion or the following health guarantee is void.
The Seller, at her expense, will register the puppy with the Canadian Kennel Club in the
Buyer’s name and provide the Buyer with registration papers when they are received
from the CKC. The buyer agrees to provide Bear Flats Labradors with a name for their
pup within 7 days of the above date. If one is not chosen, Bear Flats Labs has the right
to find a suitable name in order to complete the CKC paperwork.
The puppy has been vaccinated with shots relevant to its age and has also been
dewormed. We will guarantee the health of the puppy for 48 hours from the time of the
buyer’s possession. In the rare case of death, an autopsy must be performed by a
qualified veterinarian at the buyer’s expense. If the death is due to a genetic defect we
will replace the puppy. Bear Flats Labradors is not responsible for death due to
sickness, lack of vaccinations, accidents, or any other non-genetic cause.
The above puppy is guaranteed until 24 months of age against genetic severe hip
dysplasia. If it is suspected that there is genetic hip problems by a certified veterinarian,
the Buyer must take these steps set out below:
a) The buyer must notify BFL immediately of the condition.
b)The buyer must provide suitable x-rays to the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for
Animals) taken prior to 24 months of age at the buyer’s expense, with a copy forwarded
to BFL for submission to a veterinarian of the breeder’s choosing for a hip dysplasia
problem to be confirmed.
c)If a problem is confirmed, the puppy may be:
1.Euthanized at the buyer’s expense,(should the severity of the condition render this
necessary) and a replacement puppy of equal value will be provided as availability
arises. OR,
2.Treatment may be sought by the owner. If this option is pursued, BFL will reimburse
half of the price of the puppy.
d)The buyer’s veterinarian must indicate that there has been no signs of abuse, neglect,
over-exercise, obesity, or past injuries that could be the cause of such dysplasia during
this important developmental period of its life. (i.e. excessive jumping, running,
overweight, an injury, etc.)
e) Large breed puppy food or a brand approved by the breeder must be fed until 1 year
of age.
f) Veterinary records must be provided to Bear Flats Labradors if buyer is requesting a
replacement pup.
Additional debilitating conditions due to genetic health problems must be discovered no
later than 12 months from said puppy’s date of birth. They must be submitted with a
written statement from a veterinarian for review.
It is also noted that if a replacement puppy is granted for all conditions listed above,
they are done so with another puppy of similar value, bloodlines and the same colour
and sex chosen by Bear Flats Labradors as soon as available. Replacement puppy’s
transportation to the buyer is at the buyer’s expense.
The buyer agrees to keep the puppy/dog in proper physical condition, to keep all
vaccinations up to date and to provide the puppy/dog with a safe environment. ie.
kennel run, fenced yard, etc.
It is also understood that Bear Flats Labradors assumes no responsibility for the puppy
once it has left the premises other than what is outlined above. This includes but is not
limited to: veterinary expenses, landlord’s disapproval, allergic reactions to the puppy,
family disagreement, accidental poisoning or trauma, behavioral/training difficulties,
etc. However, Bear Flats Labs is available for the life of your pet and is willing to offer
suggestions or training procedures.
Any part of this guarantee is non-transferable. In the unfortunate event that a puppy
must be rehomed, Bear Flats Labradors retains first rights of refusal.
The Buyer has read and understands the stated guarantees and information in full
regarding Bear Flats Labradors and the puppy/dog noted above.
Signature of Buyer:__________________ Date:_________________
Signature of Breeder: ___________________ Date:_________________
Name(s) of Owner(s) to appear on Registration Papers: (must have signatures on CKC
form of all intended names)